Sheerline Prestige Aluminium Windows
Our stunning Sheerline Prestige range of made to measure aluminium windows supply only can be tailored to fit almost any opening, allowing you to have double glazed windows that are perfectly suited to your space. Whether you require standard sizes or custom dimensions, our bespoke aluminium windows will be manufactured to meet your specific requirements with a choice of hardware and glazing options.
Prestige aluminium windows have a U Value as low as 0.9W/(m2K) when specified with triple glazing and 1.3W/(m2K) double glazed, also achieving an A+ WER (Window Energy Rating)
Contact us today on 01530 515161 for a quotation on diy aluminium window prices and details of our full range of frame colours and window styles.
Modern Elegance Meets Classic Design: Aluminium Double Glazing for a Distinctive Look
Replacement double glazed aluminium windows have become hugely popular in modern home design. Their sleek and stylish appearance, coupled with their numerous benefits, make them an excellent choice for homeowners looking to enhance their property.
Aluminium framed windows are not only functional but also offer great visual appeal. With their slim aluminium frames, they allow for larger glass surface areas, maximising natural light and offering unobstructed views.
We understand that beauty is just as important as functionality. That's why we have crafted our aluminium double glazed windows with impeccable attention to detail and a commitment to excellence. These aluminium windows supply only for diy installation offer a unique blend of classic design and cutting-edge technology, allowing you to enjoy the best of both worlds.

Our slimline aluminium casement windows are a fantastic choice to enhance your properties appearance. Their durability, energy efficiency and design flexibility make them a valuable addition to any space. By considering factors such as architectural style, size and glass type, you can buy the perfect aluminium framed windows for your home.
Prestige Aluminium Powder Coated Window Colours
Offering a choice of eight powder coated matt colours with our Prestige range of made to measure coloured aluminium windows and doors including jet black 9005, anthracite grey 7016, agate grey 7038, as well as high gloss white. A further three metallic effect finishes are also available.

Aluminium Window Profile Styling Options
With a choice of traditional or contemporary styling, Sheerline aluminium windows are available in a choice of two opening sash styles; ‘Stepped’ – inspired by traditional steel windows and ‘Contemporary’ - with a more modern minimalist slimline aesthetic.
Both aluminium window styles are available in either our standard 72mm thick aluminium outer frame or as a aluminium flush casement option which has an 80mm aluminium outer frame depth that brings both the perimeter and the opening sash perfectly in-line with each other.

Aluminium Windows: Exceptional Energy Efficiency
At House of Windows, we understand the importance of energy efficiency in modern homes. Not only does it help reduce carbon emissions and minimise environmental impact, but it also has significant benefits for homeowners in terms of cost savings and comfort. Our range of bespoke supply only aluminium windows online available with 1.3 U value double glazed or 0.9 U value triple glazed is designed to provide exceptional energy efficiency, ensuring that your home stays cool in the summer months and warm during the winter.
We are committed to providing our customers with the most energy efficient window solutions. Our range of aluminium casement windows is designed to meet the highest standards of energy efficiency, allowing you to enjoy a comfortable and sustainable home while saving on energy costs. Contact us today to learn more about how our aluminium windows can benefit your home.
Prestige Windows: Durability and Longevity
When it comes to choosing windows for your home, durability and longevity are essential considerations. You want windows that will withstand the test of time, providing you with reliable performance and peace of mind. Aluminium glazed windows excel in this regard, offering a range of features that ensure they are built to last.
When it comes to durability and longevity, aluminium windows are an excellent choice for your property. Their robust construction, exceptional weather resistance, low maintenance requirements, fade resistance, enhanced security features, sustainability and comprehensive 10 year warranty all contribute to their long-lasting performance. With aluminium windows, you can enjoy peace of mind, knowing that your windows will continue to provide reliable performance for years to come.
Slimline Aluminium Windows: Enhanced Aesthetics
When it comes to the overall look and feel of your home, every detail matters. Choosing the right windows can greatly enhance the aesthetic appeal of your property. With our range of slim aluminium windows suitable for listed buildings and properties in conservation areas. You can achieve a timeless and classic look that will instantly elevate the overall design of your property.
So, why settle for ordinary windows when you can elevate your living space with the exceptional qualities of slimline aluminium windows?
Low Maintenance
When it comes to choosing windows for your home, one of the key factors to consider is the maintenance required to keep them looking their best. With our aluminium windows, you'll be pleased to know that they require very little maintenance, making them an excellent choice for homeowners looking for a hassle-free solution.
Our Sheerline Prestige aluminium windows provide a low maintenance solution for homeowners looking for durable, weather-resistant and long-lasting windows. With their minimalistic design, easy cleaning and high-quality materials, our windows require minimal upkeep, freeing up your time and allowing you to enjoy the beauty and functionality of your windows without worry.
Call us now on 01530 515161 for a quotation on diy aluminium windows supply only and details of our full range of frame colours, window styles and prices.
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